” In The Golf Pro Has Heart, John A. Gehrisch shares the secrets to a happy, long-term love relationship. The book contains eighteen major tips, which are gleaned from the author’s examination of his parents’ long-term marriage and other individuals who have had successful marriages. Readers get to follow John’s intelligent tips and discussions on various subjects: how to handle quarrels, recognizing the warning signs of a taker personality, a few things every man needs, the typical differences between men and women, and more. Apart from the smart marriage tips, Gehrisch narrates compelling stories from his golfing exploits, including intriguing competitions and funny pranks.
The book is a rich resource of knowledge. It has transformed my idea of love and relationships with its bountiful supply of profound lessons. One of the many messages that resonated with me states, “Remember, love is given freely, can be withdrawn at any time, and is not a possession.” In addition to feeling less like a victim, this has taught me to respect my partner’s independence regardless of how much I feel connected to them.
John’s writing style is brilliant. He doesn’t just focus on the tips and the main topic of the book but veers into writing about his golfing experience and his discussions with friends, allowing readers to easily form a bond with him and enjoy reading the book. Thankfully, the marriage tips and the golf stories are merged smoothly, so that no part or theme is overwhelming or too lengthy to maintain the reader’s attention.
I loved the book for various reasons. It shines light on the amazing qualities of golf as a sport and offers many useful suggestions for players. I felt like playing it myself since the author’s excitement about the sport and the celebrity players he met is very infectious. Also, we get to experience Gehrisch’s personal story and the special moments in his life, such as when he got a hole-in-one with his father. Additionally, the suggestions about marriages are quite introspective and helpful. Apart from backing some suggestions up with research studies, several research sources are included in the book.
I wished it would never end! The Golf Pro Has Heart had me physically nodding at its useful guidelines, smiling at the beautiful family stories, and laughing with tears in my eyes at the silly golf pranks. John’s captivating and deeply enlightening book is a must-read for the reader who wishes to have a successful marriage, golf enthusiasts, and fans of addictive memoirs. It’s indeed a triple threat. I’m sure that many individuals will have this book to thank for having a long, healthy marriage since it contains many helpful, well-researched tips. ”
– The Portland Book Review Company